Friday, October 01, 2004


The mountains lie like long dead dinasours
Lollygaging through the pine trees and blades of grass
Pushing away the shafts of light
Singing through the misty clouds

Guardian Angels dance in the flecks of my eyes
Spinning crystals and diamonds
Which now reside in my heart
Reminders of an emotion I am no longer capable of

I fly into the mouth of the river
Ignoring islands and pillows
Speaking, tongue silent
My tools, the letters of words

Soaring above the landscape
Attempting to name the beauty
Watching, listening, feeling
Connected, a part of all that is.

Artists Notes:
I am blessed to live in a magical place, that is beautiful and mysterious. It constantly inspires me to create in an attempt to articulate all that I see. It connects me to the spiritual and the divine in a tangible and consistant way. This poem captures a moment of a particular day but also captures what is here everyday, that which assists in grounding me and bringing me serenity.

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