Friday, October 01, 2004

PPCW - Sitting on the shore

To hear the children laugh
To hear the seagulls cry
To watch the tide crash in
And hear its softest sigh

To watch the white foam thicken
And then to fade away
To see it erode the mightiest rocks
Day after day, after day

To see the sun rise
To see the fog roll in
To see the sun set
And see it rise again

To hear the ocean breathing
To see the Pelicans soar and fall
This is what life's all about
The wonder of it all.

Artists Notes:
I find the beach to be the most spiritual place on earth. It brings me the deepest peace just to be near it and I try to be as often as possible. Standing at the waters edge, watching the waves, I can see the divine in everything, can at once feel both connecred to everything, and then also so small in the large scheme of life. To me, this poem captures my experience and thoughts of being on the shore. I often recite this poem in my head when I go for my weekly beach walk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mc - hmmm, my favorite place and my favorite feelings, this is great!