Monday, September 13, 2004

Magic Mirror - full shot

see comments below - in close up

Sea Castle Ruins

Clay: hardslab and hand-formed, rust glaze, appx 20x25 - Private Collection - Not For Sale

Artists Notes:
This is my first inspired creation beyond writing. This piece built itself, I simply added clay. I saw in my minds eye, as it began to take shape, a castle ruins of a sacred temple growing out of the sea, ancient and glorious. It felt to me that I had been here before, that it existed in reality at some point of time. I could actually feel the sensations of climbing the stairs, dancing under the stars, watching the ocean below from the sitting alcove.

Years later while reading the Mysts of Avalon it occured to me that I could easily imagine this ruins there on the ancient mystical isle, full of Priestesses and ritual celebrations.

Magic Mirror - close up

Mirror, cardcoard backing, glue, sand, seashells, stones -appx: 4' x 2' - private collection - not for sale

Artist Notes:
Mirrors have always held a magical quality, who could forget the wicked stepmother in Snow White primping and asking, "mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" I always wanted my own magic mirror, not to be the fairest, but to help me see that which I could not always see in reality and also to help me make manifest those things that I wish for. Often I collect rocks and shells, especially when the day has been particularly sweet and memorable, and this mirror is made up of many of those. I often write in glass safe pens, a current wish that I would like to bring to fruition. I don't honestly know if its magic, but I can honestly say that most of what I have written on this mirror has in fact come true. :O)