Monday, September 13, 2004

Magic Mirror - close up

Mirror, cardcoard backing, glue, sand, seashells, stones -appx: 4' x 2' - private collection - not for sale

Artist Notes:
Mirrors have always held a magical quality, who could forget the wicked stepmother in Snow White primping and asking, "mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" I always wanted my own magic mirror, not to be the fairest, but to help me see that which I could not always see in reality and also to help me make manifest those things that I wish for. Often I collect rocks and shells, especially when the day has been particularly sweet and memorable, and this mirror is made up of many of those. I often write in glass safe pens, a current wish that I would like to bring to fruition. I don't honestly know if its magic, but I can honestly say that most of what I have written on this mirror has in fact come true. :O)

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