Saturday, December 04, 2004

Artists Statement

Art, some argue the fine points of form verses function...but I believe the form is the function. Creation is our most divine gift. The act of creating is a most sacred process practiced throughout all time and all cultures.

Sometimes the form has a "practical function" in that it was created to be usable/useful in some way, an "asthetic function" in that it is meant for the senses in some way, a "cathartic function" in that it provides a therapuetic experience for the creator and/or observer/user, or simply an "entertainment function" in that it was created because it was fun or play.

But almost anyone who allows themselves to create something, anything, speaks of the spiritual nature of the process either literally or figuratively and say similar things like: at times it almost doesn't even seem to come from them, that they felt a sudden inspiration, that they suddenly saw a metaphor and had a shift in consciousness, that it is a form of meditation, that it is cathartic, or that it helps them or others in some way.

Often people tell me that they have no creative talent and I reply that it is their divine birthright. There is no law that states all creations must be fine art. They just need to be created, that is all that is required.

I chose this thesis to show that in the right light, every creation is art, and creating is a powerful way to connect to the divine within. Creation feeds the soul and this is my invitation to you: go make art, go create something that has meaning to you, paint, draw, write, sing, sew, play an instrument, use found objects in nature, cut and paste, sculpt, garden, cook, build a sandcastle, just go make something and have fun. Use momentos, symbols and images that have meaning to you.

The only rule is that you don't judge the "quality" of your creation, it may not be your perfect vision, but it is yours, and if you enjoy the process of your creation and you continue to practice it, eventually you will become more skilled at manifesting your visions.

My artwork takes many forms and it is a spiritual practice. Often my creations have a personal momento or token incorporated with them or is of spiritual and symbolical significance which enhances their sacredness to me.

I do not proclaim to be a great artist, a fine artist, nor am I necessarily striving to be, though I certainly hope my work speaks to others in a positive way, regardless of their imperfection. My creations are my souls expression of all that I am. I hope they touch you, but most importantly I hope they will ease the intimidation and inspire you to to create something of your own.

And for those of you that are already creating and know yourselves to be artists, I would love your comments.

I chose a weblog for the presentation of my work so that everyone who was kind enough to visit my site could comment on any given piece, and are able to email a link that goes directly to any piece to any email address, if you are inspired to share or return. Thus, it becomes our creation together, and my final thesis piece.

Please offer your comments, questions or any feedback about the site or any individual entry.
Tips are in the above entry.

Thank you so very much for spending some time here, it is a great honor for me.

Bright Blessings to you and yours.




Anonymous said...

This is the very problem I am having with my work. Such a problem, that I ran off to a field where functionality is held to be the most valuble. Engineering. Practical creation, as I see it. Here I am, trying to get into a world of Engineering after having spent all of my time venturing through the sphere of art. The engineers don't want to accept me. It's a funny dilemma.

I think I was meant to be an engineer.
Who knows.

Where'd you get your bachelors?

(verd at illwired dot com)

me said...

Hi Heather,

hmmm very interesting, I work with a lot of engineers and designers, and I am often surprised by the conflicts that can arise. Thanks for posting! Come back anytime!