Monday, September 06, 2004

Rivers Treasure

size: 5x13 Material: wood unknown; stones of: quartze crystal & moonstone - Private Collection - Not For Sale

Artists Notes:
I found this tree root on a river bank while camping out for an annual reggae festival in Northern California. It has a beautiful motion to it from floating in the river and it called to be decorated. It is displayed in my house, on my hearth, and it has recieved much comment. Some people see a face, some see it as a metaphorical flame, but it seems that very few people do not have some reaction or comment. I like the contrast between the natural fluid motion and the fixed stones. It brings me thoughts of a great weekend, spent dancing and communing with friends both under the sun and under the moon and stars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mc - I love to pick up objects like this, I never thought of adding to them, great idea.